Monday, October 28, 2013

You learned counting from 一 to 三十 in Chinese, now what?

Counting from 一 to 三十 is EASY as many of my students shouted out in my class. What can your children reflect their learning in everyday life? Here are some of my suggestions:

- Counting the number of family members: 
Ask: How many people in your family?
        你 nǐ   家 jiā   里 lǐ   有 yǒu   几 jǐ   个 gè   人 rén?
Answer: Three people.

Fun facts:
1. 人rén : a person, people. In Chinese, there is no difference between plural and singular.
2. The word "个 gè" is a measure word. It follows by the number. For example, 一个人(one person),七个人 (seven people).

- Reading the clock:
Ask: What time is it now?
         现 xiàn  在 zài  是 shì 几 jí  点 diǎn  钟 zhōng?
Answer: It is four o'clock.
              四 sì  点 diǎn  钟 zhōng

Fun facts:
1.  点 diǎn  钟 zhōng : When you ask about the "time", you say "点 diǎn  钟 zhōng". If you want to buy a "clock", you say "钟 zhōng".

- Reading the calender:
  "月yuè" means "the moon", it also means "the month".
  "日rì" means "the sun", it also means "the day".
The number of the month + the number of the day = # 月yuè  # 日rì
  • The 1st month of the year: 一月 January
  • The 2nd month of the year: 二月 February
  • The 3rd month of the year: 三月 March
  • The 4th month of the year: 四月 April
  • The 5th month of the year: 五月 May
  • The 6th month of the year: 六月 June
  • The 7th month of the year: 七月 July
  • The 8th month of the year: 八月 August
  • The 9th month of the year: 九月 September
  • The 10th month of the year: 十月 October
  • The 11th month of the year: 十一月 November
  • The 12th month of the year: 十二月 December
  • The 1st day of the month: 一日
  • The 2nd day of the month: 二日
  • The 3rd day of the month: 三日 
  • The 4th day of the month: 四日 
When you combine the month and the day, see below as sample:
  • January 10th: 一月十日 yī yuè shí rì
  • May 24th: 五月二十四 wǔ yuè èr shí sì
- Days in a week:
In Chinese, reading Monday through Sunday is very easy. "星 xīng 期 qī " means "week". You need to add the number of the week after "星 xīng 期 qī".

星 xīng 期 qī  +  # of the week:
  • The 1st day of the week 星期一 Monday
  • The 2nd day of the week 星期二 Tuesday
  • The 3rd day of the week 星期三 Wednesday
  • The 4th day of the week 星期四 Thursday
  • The 5th day of the week 星期五 Friday
  • The 6th day of the week 星期六 Saturday
  • The last day of the week 星期日 or 星期天: Sunday is an exception in the standard rule.

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