Simple Chinese 简易中文

  • 不起      vs.      
          duì bu qǐ         bù hǎo yì si
            Sorry       vs.    Excuse me

When you want to apologize to someone or you feel deeply sorry about something, you say "不起".
When you want to trouble someone or you caused a small trouble, you say "不好意思".

For example:
-When you step on someone's foot, you will say
          duì bu qǐ
          I am sorry
-When you want to leave early in a meeting or party, you will say
         "   ,  
         bù hǎo yì si, wǒ děi zǒu le
         Excuse me, I have to leave.

  •        ” 

          Qǐng ràng yī ràng
        Please let me pass though

        “请让” is a polite way when asking others to let one pass through. In English, we often say "Excuse me" when you try to pass through the crowd. In Chinese, you don't need to say "Excuse me".

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