Monday, October 28, 2013


The Chinese Food section, The Chinese Music Instruments section and The Chinese Holidays section have been updated. The English name vs. Chinese name section has been added to the blog.

The Chinese Food section has been updated with information about Dim Sum- 点心 diǎn xīn
- What is Dim Sum?  Where to find Dim Sum? Hope you will find some answers here under the food section.

The Chinese Music Instruments section has been updated with information about yáng qín.
-  yáng qín is a traditional Chinese instrument. It looks like a butterfly, so people often call it as a butterfly zither ( 蝴蝶琴 "hú dié qín"). A modern  yáng qín usually has about 144 strings. People strike the strings with two lightweight bamboo sticks (also known as hammers).
For more details, please review the updated section.

The Chinese Holidays section has been updated with 2014 holiday schedule. See more  in

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